BurnP3+ tutorials

Configuring models in BurnP3+

This video tutorial covers how to configure models in the BurnP3+ SyncroSim Package.

To follow along, this tutorial requires:

Download the latest version of SyncroSim here and follow the installation prompts.

To install the BurnP3+ SyncroSim Package and the burnP3PlusPrometheus Add-on Package, open the SyncroSim Windows UI (Start > Apps > SyncroSim) and select File > Packages….

Click on the Install… button.

Mark the checkboxes beside burnP3Plus and burnP3PlusPrometheus, and click OK.

Next, you will create a SyncroSim Library from a remote template. To do so, select File > New… and choose burnP3Plus from the list of packages and the Glacier Example as the template Library. You can edit the File name and use the Browse button to select where you would like to save the Library. When you are ready, click OK.

Now you are all set to follow along with the tutorial. This video will provide: